District Cooling & Heating

District Cooling & Heating

AEC designs reliable district cooling plants suitable for airports, military bases, residential towers and commercial centers. Our design options depend on availability and cost of fuels, cooling water and electric energy.
AEC selects the right equipment solutions for each project for the best interests of the clients according to the international codes and best international practices since each project possess its own unique specificities. Our scope of work is, as below:

District Energy Assessment Studies and Master Planning Feasibility Studies and Financial Modelling Value Engineering and Design Optimization Concept, Schematic and Detailed Design for:

District Energy Plants
Distribution networks
Energy Transfer Station (ETS) Thermal Energy Storage (TES)

Project Specification Preparation.
Tender package preparation (BOŸ, Employer Requirements, etc.).
BIM services for district energy systems.
Shop drawing preparation.
Review of bidders and proposals.